Ripe And Unripe Bananas Have Different Health Benefits. Here's Which to Choose.

While some people like their bananas green, others love a mushy brown banana. But is there really a difference between the two? Surprisingly yes and you could be picking the ripeness of the banana you eat based on your health.

While bananas are always an excellent source of potassium and other nutrients, there are different benefits to eating them at different ripenesses. depending on your health.

Underripe bananas have less sugar If you have tes, you should consider eating bananas that are more underripe rather than overripe. This is because as a banana ripens, the starch begins to turn to sugar. Research suggests that in underripe bananas,

starch constitutes 80-90 percent of the carbohydrate content, which, as the banana ripens, changes into free sugars. Therefore, people who suffer with diabetes are advised to eat bananas that are not overly ripe as not to spike their blood sugartoo much.

Overripe bananas are easier to digest

Slightly overripe bananas, on the other hand, arebprobably a better option for anyone who has trouble digesting the food.

A greener banana has more "resistant starch," which humans can't digest but can be good for you, as "good gut bacteria" like it.

A fully brown banana is full of antioxidants..

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