📝 Your back is a complex bundle of numerous overlapping muscles and can be categorized into 3 major regions to simplify things: lats (latissimus dorsi), middle region (teres major / minor, infraspinatus, trapezius, rhomboids & posterior deltoid) and the lumbar region (erector spinae). Most of the common compound back exercises will somewhat activate all those muscle groups but naturally you want to isolate specific parts as wel.
➕ Great exercises for the lats are chinups or pullups, dumbbell rows and their variations as well as lat pulldowns at the machine.
➕ When thinking about the complex middle region exercises like barbell rows (and their variations), T-Bar rows as well as cable rows should be your first choice when programming for this back region.
➕ With regard to the lumbar regions deadlifts and hyperextensions as well as back extensions are a great start to strengthen this area. Many of the pull exercises for the first two regions already include the lumbar region (e.g. bent over barbell rows or t-bar rows) which is important to consider when deciding the amount of volume and intensity you want to program for your lumbar region exercises.
➕I recommend including an equal amount of horizontal and vertical pulls throughout the week, whereas the exact distribution surely depends on the exact split of your training week (full body, or upper/lower or push/pull/legs)